Auto Detailing & Care
Featured Brands
- WeatherTech®TechCare® 18 oz. Bottle Wax-Prep Clay Gel CleanerTechCare® 18 oz. Bottle Wax-Prep Clay Gel Cleaner by WeatherTech®. WeatherTech® TechCare® Wax-Prep Clay Gel Cleaner preps vehicle exterior surfaces for waxing by lifting impurities and scratches in paint finishes, and is suited for...Helps to eliminate future scratchingNo harsh abrasives$24.99
- Rain-X®Original Glass Water RepellentOriginal Glass Water Repellent by Rain-X®. The Rain-X™ Original Glass Water Repellent dramatically improves wet weather driving visibility. Simply apply the treatment to exterior glass and watch the raindrops fly off your windshield...Improve all-weather visibility, safety and driving comfortHelps easily remove frost, ice, salt, mud and bugs$4.92 - $8.25
- WeatherTech®TechCare® 18 oz. Bottle FloorLiner™ and FloorMat Cleaner/ProtectorTechCare® 18 oz. Bottle FloorLiner™ and FloorMat Cleaner/Protector by WeatherTech®. Arm yourself with this premium-quality auto detailing product to keep your prized possession looking clean and pristine for many miles to come....Made and packaged in the U.S.A.Effective auto detailing solution$13.99 - $24.99
- WeatherTech®TechCare® 18 oz. Bottle Interior DetailerTechCare® 18 oz. Bottle Interior Detailer by WeatherTech®. WeatherTech® TechCare® Interior Detailer is designed to easily clean vehicle interior surfaces and its mild formula makes it safe to use on virtually all plastic, vinyl,...Helps prevent dust buildupLeaves no sticky residue$9.99
- WeatherTech®TechCare® 18 oz. Bottle Leather Conditioner with Aloe VeraTechCare® 18 oz. Bottle Leather Conditioner with Aloe Vera by WeatherTech®. WeatherTech® TechCare® Leather Conditioner with aloe vera removes dirt and other impurities from automotive leather and vinyl surfaces and also helps protect...Cleans and protects automotive leatherContains spot and stain blocker$13.99
- WeatherTech®TechCare® Gentle Car™ Shampoo Surface-Safe Vehicle Cleaning FormulaTechCare® Gentle Car™ Shampoo Surface-Safe Vehicle Cleaning Formula by WeatherTech®. WeatherTech® TechCare® Gentle Car™ environmentally-friendly biodegradable Shampoo produces a thick shampoo foam that effectively fights and...Biodegradable formulaHighly concentrated$9.99
- WeatherTech®TechCare® 18 oz. Bottle Carnauba Gel WaxTechCare® 18 oz. Bottle Carnauba Gel Wax by WeatherTech®. WeatherTech® TechCare® Carnauba Gel Wax pourable formula provides a protective, professional high-gloss finish that seals and protects virtually all automotive paint, chrome...Contains natural Carnauba Gel WaxSafe for virtually all types of paint finishes$24.99
- WeatherTech®TechCare® QuikTech™ Detailer with Carnauba WaxTechCare® QuikTech™ Detailer with Carnauba Wax by WeatherTech®. For Your Vehicle's Exterior. WeatherTech® TechCare® QuikTech™ Detailer with Carnauba Wax is an exterior detailer safe for virtually all vehicle paint finishes that...Safe for virtually all automotive, motorcycle, water craft and aircraft finishesCan be used on virtually all chrome, clear coats, plastic, glass and polished aluminum$13.99
- WeatherTech®TechCare® 18 oz. Bottle Glass CleanerTechCare® 18 oz. Bottle Glass Cleaner by WeatherTech®. Arm yourself with this premium-quality auto detailing product to keep your prized possession looking clean and pristine for many miles to come. Designed to provide amateur garage...Made and packaged in the U.S.A.Effective auto detailing solution$7.99
- Meguiars®Gold Class™ Rich Leather™ Cleaner ConditionerGold Class™ Rich Leather™ Cleaner Conditioner by Meguiars®. Pamper and protect your leather with gentle, safe cleaners and rich,luxurious moisturizers. This unique spray formula with aloe helpsprotect leather from spills and stains,...Cleans, conditions, and protects in one easy step for complete leather careCleaners gently remove dirt and grime while UV protection helps to prevent premature aging and fading$11.18
- Meguiars®Natural Shine™ Vinyl and Rubber ProtectantNatural Shine™ Vinyl and Rubber Protectant by Meguiars®. Maintain that "like new" look on dashboards, trim, tires and more.Natural Shines complex formula includes mild cleaning agents thathelp remove daily dirt and grime and restore...Non-greasy formula cleans, shines, and protects while providing superior UV blocking for durable protectionQuickly restores color and shine to vinyl, rubber and plastic surfaces$12.08
- Meguiars®Supreme Shine™ ProtectantSupreme Shine™ Protectant by Meguiars®. Meguiars™ Supreme Shine™ Hi-Gloss Protectant offer a superior high shine gloss with superior UV blocking protection to preserve vinyl, rubber & plastic surfaces. This non-greasy formula...Non-greasy formula cleans, shines, and protects while providing superior UV blocking for durable protectionSuperior high shine protection quickly preserves vinyl, rubber, and plastic surfaces$8.73
- Meguiars®Detailer™ Hyper-DressingDetailer™ Hyper-Dressing by Meguiars®. Arm yourself with this premium-quality auto detailing product to keep your prized possession looking clean and pristine for many miles to come. Designed to provide amateur garage enthusiasts and...Effective auto detailing solutionDelivers non-greasy look and feel$50.75 - $232.88
- Meguiars®Mirror Glaze™ 16 oz. CleanerMirror Glaze™ 16 oz. Cleaner by Meguiars®. Arm yourself with this premium-quality auto detailing product to keep your prized possession looking clean and pristine for many miles to come. Designed to provide amateur garage enthusiasts...Diminishing abrasives™ cut quickly, then reduce to a polishing rougeBuffered abrasive™ action lubricates the finish to prevent scouring or scratching$13.56 - $15.71
- Meguiars®Mirror Glaze™ Detailing ClayMirror Glaze™ Detailing Clay by Meguiars®. Arm yourself with this premium-quality auto detailing product to keep your prized possession looking clean and pristine for many miles to come. Designed to provide amateur garage enthusiasts...Restores a "smooth as glass" finishCompletely non-abrasive and safe on clear coat and single stage paint$33.43
- Meguiars®Mirror Glaze™ Vinyl/Rubber Cleaner and ConditionerMirror Glaze™ Vinyl/Rubber Cleaner and Conditioner by Meguiars®. Arm yourself with this premium-quality auto detailing product to keep your prized possession looking clean and pristine for many miles to come. Designed to provide...Durable protection that screens out damaging ultraviolet raysEffective auto detailing solution$15.21 - $187.03
- Meguiars®Cleaner WaxCleaner Wax by Meguiars®. Arm yourself with this premium-quality auto detailing product to keep your prized possession looking clean and pristine for many miles to come. Designed to provide amateur garage enthusiasts and professionals...Cleans and protects in one easy stepSafe and effective on clear coat and single stage paint$11.27 - $13.57
- Meguiars®DA Microfiber™ Correction CompoundDA Microfiber™ Correction Compound by Meguiars®. Meguiar's™ DA Microfiber Correction Compound - D300 utilizes super-micro abrasive technology to quickly remove scratches, acid rain, swirls, holograms and other light to moderate...Super-Micro Abrasive Technology (SMAT) quickly removes moderate defectsFormulated to remove light to moderate flaws while creating a high gloss$24.52 - $94.93
- Meguiars®DA Mircrofiber™ Finishing Wax RefillDA Mircrofiber™ Finishing Wax Refill by Meguiars®. Meguiar's™ DA Microfiber Finishing Wax - D301 utilizes mild cleaners, polymers, silicones and carnauba to refine the paint surface after applying Meguiar's™ DA Microfiber...Specially formulated to optimize and refine the surface after applying Meguiar's™ DA Microfiber Cutting Compound - D300Rich blend of polymers, silicones, and carnauba for high gloss protection$11.91 - $45.34
- Meguiars®Gold Class™ 12 oz. WaxGold Class™ 12 oz. Wax by Meguiars®. Arm yourself with this premium-quality auto detailing product to keep your prized possession looking clean and pristine for many miles to come. Designed to provide amateur garage enthusiasts and...Luxurious Carnauba-polymer blend creates a strong, long-lasting protection to preserve your finish with a brilliant reflective shineSpecial blend of Carnauba plus protecting polymers that is safe and effective on clear coat and all glossy paint types$18.79 - $19.86
- Meguiars®Mirror Glaze™ Cleaner and WaxMirror Glaze™ Cleaner and Wax by Meguiars®. Arm yourself with this premium-quality auto detailing product to keep your prized possession looking clean and pristine for many miles to come. Designed to provide amateur garage enthusiasts...One-step application cleans, polishes and protectsRemoves light oxidation, light swirls and mild defects$14.96 - $35.18
- Meguiars®Mirror Glaze™ Dimond Cut Compound 2.0™ CompoundMirror Glaze™ Dimond Cut Compound 2.0™ Compound by Meguiars®. The answer for high solids paint; cuts fast with minimal swirls. Meguiars™ Mirror Glaze™ Diamond Cut Compound 2.0 is a super-fast, low swirl compound. it's the answer...Super-fast cutting, low swirl compoundSuccessfully tested in high solids production shops$27.75 - $61.95
- Meguiars®Mirror Glaze™ Dual Action Polish and CleanerMirror Glaze™ Dual Action Polish and Cleaner by Meguiars®. Arm yourself with this premium-quality auto detailing product to keep your prized possession looking clean and pristine for many miles to come. Designed to provide amateur...Combines abrasive cleaner and pure, rich polish for deep glossy shineRemoves light to medium contamination, blemishes, and oxidation$20.19 - $50.69
- Meguiars®Mirror Glaze™ Hi-Tech™ Yellow WaxMirror Glaze™ Hi-Tech™ Yellow Wax by Meguiars®. Arm yourself with this premium-quality auto detailing product to keep your prized possession looking clean and pristine for many miles to come. Designed to provide amateur garage...Blends the highest quality carnauba wax with other costly ingredients to create durable paint protection and enhanced glossPremium yellow carnauba wax blended with silicones, polymers and other waxes$16.31 - $46.63
- Meguiars®Mirror Glaze™ Machine GlazeMirror Glaze™ Machine Glaze by Meguiars®. Arm yourself with this premium-quality auto detailing product to keep your prized possession looking clean and pristine for many miles to come. Designed to provide amateur garage enthusiasts...Buffing residue wipes off easilyRestores original brilliance and clarity$15.09 - $26.79
- Meguiars®Mirror Glaze™ Pro Speed™ CompoundMirror Glaze™ Pro Speed™ Compound by Meguiars®. Removes deep scratches, acid rain or severe swirls/holograms. Meguiars™ Mirror Glaze™ Pro Speed Compound is a fast cutting body shop safe compound with advanced technology designed...Fast cutting compound with advanced technologyQuick removal of 1200 grit and finer sanding marks for easier polishing$25.92 - $67.46
- Meguiars®Mirror Glaze™ Synthetic SealantMirror Glaze™ Synthetic Sealant by Meguiars®. Hydrophobic Polymer Technology™ ProvidesT echnologically AdvancedPaint Care and Protection. Meguiars™ Mirror Glaze™ Professional Synthetic Sealant 2.0 is synthetic polymer...Hydrophobic Polymer Technology™ provides amazing gloss and water beadingSynthetic polymer formulation provides technologically advanced paint care and protection.$23.83 - $54.25
- Meguiars®Mirror Glaze™ Ultra-Cut™ CompoundMirror Glaze™ Ultra-Cut™ Compound by Meguiars®. Meguiars™ Mirror Glaze™ M105 Professional Ultra-Cut Compound isgreat for removing scratches, defects, acidrain and severeswirls/holograms. Meguiars™ Mirror Glaze™ Ultra-Cut...Exclusive, super-micro abrasive technologyUltra-fast cutting removes 1200 grit or finer sanding marks$37.56 - $106.75
- Meguiars®Mirror Glaze™ Ultra™ Finishing PolishMirror Glaze™ Ultra™ Finishing Polish by Meguiars®. Arm yourself with this premium-quality auto detailing product to keep your prized possession looking clean and pristine for many miles to come. Designed to provide amateur garage...Effective auto detailing solutionDelivers non-greasy look and feel$13.02 - $98.93
- Meguiars®Hot Shine™ High Gloss Tire Coating SprayHot Shine™ High Gloss Tire Coating Spray by Meguiars®. Arm yourself with this premium-quality auto detailing product to keep your prized possession looking clean and pristine for many miles to come. Designed to provide amateur garage...Effective auto detailing solutionDelivers non-greasy look and feel$9.77 - $9.91
Some say a clean car runs better. That’s debatable, but it’s indisputable that driving a clean, shiny car makes you feel better. When your pride and joy looks its best you want to turn around and gaze at it after parking, and you never tire of the admiring stares. You can get those great feelings all the time when you maintain your car with products from our great selection of auto detailing supplies. We have everything for every surface.

All You Need in One Kit
Car Care Kits are the most cost-effective way to care for your car, because they include everything needed to maintain the appearance at a lower price than you’d pay if each product were purchased separately. Contents vary according to kit, but typically you get car wash, wax, detailer, wheel and tire cleaner, applicator pads, polishing cloths, and detailing towels. Some kits even include a bucket, wash mitt and cleaning and detailing brushes.

Maintain Showroom Shine
Ideally, car wash should lift dirt from the surface and allow it to be rinsed away, without scratching the finish or removing wax. Household dish detergent should never be used on your car! We carry premium car wash products, including those specially formulated for matte finishes. While you’re in cleaning mode, don’t forget your windows. We offer glass cleaner that will remove airborne dirt and debris from the exterior and smoke film and haze from the interior, without leaving streaks. Finally, clean, protect and shine your wheels and tires with our easy to use spray-on cleaners and long lasting tire dressings. If you are used to treating your car with utmost care, there are many other cleaning and polishing products that remove contaminants from every surface while adding another layer of protection:
- Rubber conditioners and protectants clean rubber seals and prolong their lifespan by screening out UV rays.
- Metal polish keeps chrome trim, alloy wheels, aluminum and stainless steel surfaces in pristine condition.
- Convertible top cleaners have special ingredients that are gentle on fabric and vinyl tops while being effective enough to remove dirt and stains.
- If you own a classic truck with wood bed planks, you can use specifically formulated finish products to safeguard wood panels from UV rays and moisture.
- Plastic cleaners and restorers help rejuvenate plastic and some other materials such as vinyl and rubber. They form a clear-coat layer that blocks ultraviolet and adds shine.

Wax & Polish
Our extensive selection of waxes and polishes will deliver a showroom new shine that lasts. We offer polishes and compounds to remove scratches and swirl marks, and deep clean paint, and clay bars to remove surface contaminants. If your finish isn’t in bad shape and you’re pressed for time, cleaner wax can polish and protect the paint and deliver a superior shine. Plus we have pure carnauba wax products and sealants to protect the paint from environmental factors and UV rays. And of course, we have all the applicators, detail and polishing cloths, and microfiber towels to leave a lint-free glossy finish.
Treat the Interior
A spectacular exterior demands an equally splendid cabin and that’s what you’ll have with our interior care products. Our vacuums will suck up all the dirt, plus we have steam cleaners to remove even the most stubborn stains from carpet and upholstery. Microfiber towels can be used to dust the dash, console, door panels and other surfaces, while detailing brushes can be used to clean hard to reach areas like around control buttons and knobs and inside vents. We can supply you with a variety of carpet and upholstery cleaners as well as plastic polish, vinyl protectant, and leather cleaners and conditioners.